Working closely with Elvis Lester you will learn a complete Eye Movement System to access your resources, to clear obstacles in your path quickly & effectively & you will gain more mastery in all of your senses - visual-auditory-kinesthetics (physical & emotional responding). Consulting, coaching or changework with Elvis Lester and the Eye Movement Emergence model will help you change your life for the better most of time within moments. The fact that we are visual beings allows us to learn how to use our ability to visualize & make change occur fast & profoundly.
When we use the visual sense & eye movements to access our resources in all senses with more intention & precision - our brains and bodies respond immediately to update our experiences in this moment & on into the future & record what we are doing to make additions & improvements & upgrade our memories as resources or create even more positive & productive reference experiences. By accessing positive resources & our most valued experiences, through learning & memory, we are able to look back into the past with more powerful states and learn from our experiences (memories included) free of fearing & avoid previous limiting programming.
Elvis will guide you successfully & he will pay close attention to what you are doing literally. He will identify what you can do now - in this moment - that will improve your life in the moment via your brain-based behavior... not in weeks or years but right now & right here!
Call Elvis Lester at 813-221-5466 to make a difference in your life today AND the lives of your loved ones.
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